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The Overview of our Project

Throughout this project we have gone through the history of racial discrimination and tried to analyze its current state. We have studied how racism effect different spheres of social life in the Southern States of America To make it easier for our readers to understand the topic, we decided too to add a small massage with brief history of racism . We started with 17 th century and first years of slavery, we also did not forget to describe the process of segregation and civil right movement. But the main part of this project is about racism in different spheres of social life. First of all, we’ve added some fundamental things like who is the main victim of racism and what spheres exactly are affected. In order to deal with geographical aspect of our research, we’ve added a special map of racism and highlighted the most racist states and towns in the Unites States. All of them appeared to be in the South which coincides with the field of our study. The first thing

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